Panneau 3D composé de laine cardée, dentelle, étamine de coton. Lacet en coton tressé, boudins de feutre, petits fagots avec le fil intérieur du lacet, un peu de broderie main.
Really exquisite, Cecile. It looks like fossilized sea creatures. I am working on a fossilized sea urchin right now! You have done a beautiful job, as usual!
Hello, I was just passing by net websites Hello, I was looking at the pages on the internet, when I came across your blog. I watched it with interest and I wanted to tell you that your things are amazing. I love to watch things in which a man puts a lot of work and all his heart. I wish you a lot of new ideas and their performacne
Welcome to my blog
Really exquisite, Cecile. It looks like fossilized sea creatures. I am working on a fossilized sea urchin right now! You have done a beautiful job, as usual!
RépondreSupprimerTrès artistique, encore un petit chef-d'oeuvre!
RépondreSupprimerJe craque toujours devant tes tableaux textiles ! C'est beau, raffiné....
RépondreSupprimerSuperbe travail !!!
RépondreSupprimerBelle! J'adore aussi.
RépondreSupprimersuperbe!raffine!je veux voir un tutorial!
RépondreSupprimerHello, I was just passing by net websites Hello,
RépondreSupprimerI was looking at the pages on the internet, when I came across your blog. I watched it with interest and I wanted to tell you that your things are amazing. I love to watch things in which a man puts a lot of work and all his heart. I wish you a lot of new ideas and their performacne
Welcome to my blog
Best regards